Home cleansing

Fall is just around the corner. It's a great time to consider doing a home cleansing. This will help bring positive energy into your home. The first step is to declutter and perform normal cleaning first. The less cluttered your home is, the more positive you feel. 

The next step is to take your favorite scented sage, incense or Palo stick. Open your windows to let fresh air in. Light the sage/incense to get a good even flow of smoke going. Make sure it's not so thick that it could set off smoke alarms. 

Using a feather or your hands push the smoke around the room while either praying or chanting for negative energy to leave the home and make room for positive energy to reside. You can do this either counterclockwise or clockwise depending on your preference. 

Picture the negative energy flowing out an open window while positive energy is flowing in to replace the negative. Once you have completed a room and filled it with positive energy you can shut the windows in the room and move on to the next.

If the room doesn't have a window but has a vent such as a bathroom. You can picture the negative energy going out through the vent while the positive energy is pulled in from the other rooms. 

Once you have completed all the rooms in your home, your home should smell great and feel positive. You can end the prayer/chant anyway you wish.

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Natasha Lemons

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