

Imbolc is the midpoint of winter. It traditionally begins at sundown of February 1st through February 2nd. It is an ancient Celtic holiday celebrating new life beginning to stir within the earth. Spiritually this is the time for new life to manifest itself. Imbolc is a time for change, when we let go of what is no longer useful to us to make room for new adventures. Change is hard though, so this is the time to face the challenges of breaking old habits to form new ones. This allows us to grow into the person we want to be.
In order to grow, we must first do some cleaning. This is usually a time for spring cleaning of the house as well as the spirit. To cleanse the spirit, there are several things we can do, such as ringing bells, playing music, lighting candles and other ways that help you release the negative to make room for new positive feelings. A house cleansing is also a great way to celebrate Imbolc. You can bless your seed packets, pots and gardening tools, bless your oven by anointing it with Rosemary-infused olive oil or sprinkling Moon water and salt throughout your home. You can take a cleansing bath using essential oils with candles lit and the overhead light off for a more relaxing bath. You can also play calming music to help you release the old energy and stress.
However you decide to celebrate Imbolc, it is important to remember that this is a time for new beginnings as we are at the halfway point through the winter and ready for spring to come with it’s beautiful new growths, both in nature and in ourselves.
Have a blessed Imbolc
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